Eating Places
Increasingly cooking, preparation and eating places have become joined spaces this has made the need to maintain order a more challenging task. The utility room is a convenient method to house the dishwasher, laundry, appliances and heavy storage items. This will ensure uncluttered kitchen surfaces and reduce noise levels.
The Getaway destination provides the opportunity to re-think the dining experience. Just as the word leisure suggests the duration of meal times may be prolonged to savour the quality time that comes along with it. When planning the setting, take into consideration the role it will play, whether breakfast zone, light lunch or evening entertainment. Underline the factors that will determine your unique dining experience, A view of the garden or landscape beyond has a pleasant calming effect. The choice of seating, wide, cushioned, high backrest seats promote comfort. A low sunken table and bench seating can prove a fun alternative to traditional layouts. The use of sheer fabric in outdoor spaces can create a feeling of enclosure and privacy.
Living Places
Move away from the traditional sofa, two armchairs boxed in setting and opt for a more playful approach to encourage lounging. A combination of various items such as a chaise long, large cushions, soft carpeting and multi purpose tables add to the flexibility of the space.(Pic. 4 Indoor Pool) An indoor pool forms part of the living area combining the serene presence of water with its soothing effect.
Star Places
This refers to creating a series of special spaces that use the space to its full potential in corridors, window ledges or niches that would otherwise be ‘dead’ unused space. These spaces will invite reading, reflection or even exercise.
Design of the getaway residence will play a crucial role in setting our mood. Unlike our surroundings at home with which we have become familiar, the weekend escape only offers a short time to be at ease within the space. This requires design clarity and an overall ability to support the concept of relaxation.